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Neue Intel CPUs der SandyBridge Serie fehlerhaft


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Auf der Intel Homepage wurde eine Mitteilung veröffentlicht, dass die aktuellen CPUs einen Fehler im SATA Controller haben, der Betriebsstörungen angeschlossener Geräte verursachen kann. Die fehlerhaften CPUs wurden seit dem 09.01. verkauft. Intel wird mit den Vertriebspartnern zusammenarbeiten, um einen schnellen Austausch fehlerhafter Einheiten vorzunehmen.

Quelle: Intel Homepage (Intel.com )

Hier der ganze Eintrag:


Alert for Intel® 6 Series Express Chipsets and Intel® Xeon® C200 Chipsets users

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 31, 2011 – As part of ongoing quality assurance, Intel Corporation has discovered a design issue in a recently released support chip, the Intel® 6 Series (and the Intel® C200 Series Chipset), and has implemented a silicon fix. In some cases, the Serial-ATA (SATA) ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD-drives. The chipset is utilized in PCs with Intel’s latest Second Generation Intel Core processors. Intel has stopped shipment of the affected support chip from its factories. Intel has corrected the design issue, and has begun manufacturing a new version of the support chip which will resolve the issue. The Sandy Bridge microprocessor is unaffected and no other products are affected by this issue.

The company expects to begin delivering the updated version of the chipset to customers in late February and expects full volume recovery in April. Intel stands behind its products and is committed to product quality. For computer makers and other Intel customers that have bought potentially affected chipsets or systems, Intel will work with its OEM partners to accept the return of the affected chipsets, and plans to support modifications or replacements needed on motherboards or systems. The systems with the affected support chips have only been shipping since January 9th and the company believes that relatively few consumers are impacted by this issue. The only systems sold to an end customer potentially impacted are Second Generation Core i5 and Core i7 quad core based systems. Intel believes that consumers can continue to use their systems with confidence, while working with their computer manufacturer for a permanent solution.

If you believe you may be affected by this issue, please contact your place of purchase, or your Intel Field Sales Representative.

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Tja, wär ja zu schön gewesen wenn SandyBridge keinen Fehler gehabt hätte.

Waren ja Traumhafte Werte was man gelesen und gehört hat. Bis zu 50% schneller als sein Vorgänger und dazu noch ne integrierte Grafik.

Soll ja nun etwas dauern bis das alles ausgetauscht ist, und kostet ja Intel auch nen haufen Geld.

Mal schauen. Ich werd denk ich mal bei IVY Bridge zuschlagen.

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Nähere Info´s aus dem Dell-Community-Board:

On Jan. 31, Intel announced a Stop Ship on its Sandy Bridge (new Core i-series) chipset. According to Intel, ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD drives.

What currently shipping Dell products are impacted?

Effective immediately, we will remove those currently shipping Sandy Bridge platforms from our websites:

* XPS 8300 desktop

* Vostro 460 desktop

* Alienware Aurora-R3 desktop

* Alienware M17x-R3 notebook

We will have more information next week on when these products will become available again.

There are no additional shipping XPS, Vostro, Alienware, Inspiron, Precision, Latitude, OptiPlex, PowerEdge or PowerVault products impacted by this announcement.

When will we have information for customers who have already purchased one of the impacted platforms?

* For customers who have placed their order and the order has not yet shipped, these orders are on hold and the customer will not be charged. Dell will notify these customers and determine if the customer wants the order cancelled or wish to keep the order open to be fulfilled when new production material is available * For customers whose order has shipped but not yet arrived, these customers can refuse receipt of the shipment and it will be returned to Dell. These customers will be contacted to determine if they prefer a full refund or wish to keep the order open to be fulfilled when new production material is available

* For customers whose order has been received, we are offering two options:

1. Customers can contact Dell within the applicable return period and arrange for a full refund and return shipment of the product

2. Customers may continue using their systems. Once new production material is available from Intel, we will be working with customers to determine the replacement steps for their motherboards if they choose to keep their system

For any customer that has experienced a service event on their system, the two points above still apply.

When will new inventory be available that does not contain this issue? Intel expects to begin initial deliveries of the updated chipsets in late February and expects full volume recovery in April.

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