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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 10.12.2023 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. this is no longer possible. In any case, I am very grateful to you for your feedback. If I solve the problem, I will definitely write it down. In the meantime... let this topic hang on your forum. Maybe there will be a quicker solution here. Thank you very much again! Regards Vlad
    2 Punkte
  2. @janome1121: I am not sure, but i think the reason of your problems is that you are NOT use original Dell GTX 980M cards but MSI cards !! Perhaps it would be better to rebuild your Alienware 18 to its original setup with 2x 880M. I really do NOT believe in solving the problems with this MSI cards. Regards Jörg
    1 Punkt
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